the big chill sets in....
well, here comes winter - i was just browsing the weather and it's looking nice and crazy cold for the next while here... this leads me to announce that it is only 6 more days until jason and i leave this ice cold climate for the tropical paradise of pittsburgh!!!!
ah, yes, pittsburgh - where we will come back from with a tan for sure - my brother did tell me that we are the only people he knew that would do their winter vacation in pittsburgh.
we also are going the vanier cup in saskatoon tomorrow - in minus 25 and possibility of flurries - just a little warm up for the steelers game i'm thinking...
so, being the freak that i am, i have now started my plans for pittsburgh, mapping possible routes, planning the days down to the minute - i'm sure jason will try to hide these plans before we leave.
i have the house all decorated for christmas, my christmas 'letter' almost ready, and holiday baking on its way - just want to be ready for my return home and be fully in the holiday spirit....
which leads me to say, that my husband really wants to be american... he just loves american thanksgiving - enough that he expected turkey and stuffing yesterday - and he thought we should be shopping today (as it is the biggest shopping day of the year, correct???)
brandon's first hockey game is sunday - and i'm sure that will cause me to blog more at that time... ethan has a sign made up to take to the game - it must be nice to have a number one fan (i know my mom was mine, just not quite the same thing as a sibling, or boyfriend, or even a creepy fan)
well, off to a hockey game tonight - in the bitter cold - we should all just stay at home and hibernate....