in my life lately...
well, first of all, jason and i had a great trip to pittsburgh - apart from the crazy flight in during a big wind storm, it was lots of fun... highlight was when we got to watch the steelers entire 2 hour warm up sitting front row in the stadium.
we also got to see the penguins play and ate some excellent perogies and had an awesome hotel, so it was all great.
i was happy to see some other couples in our hotel, doing the same thing as us, so i know i'm not crazy for liking football - it's amazing the difference between here and there as far as women watching sports on tv and enjoying it... everywhere i went there was women talking about the 'college games' that were happening over the weekend - i thought we lived and breathed hockey here, but not nearly what it's like for football there.
also, brandon has now scored THREE goals in four games of hockey - his first goal was in kindersly and it was embarrassing cuz i started crying when he got it - and not just a little cry, but a bawling, kinda ugly cry....
i'm completely enjoying my favorite time of year - that being the christmas holidays - and did get to see the new bond movie, which always puts me in the mood for... Christmas!!! yes, i remember watching bond movies with my dad and it's such a great memory and i love bond!!!
jason and i are still married - although all this time together certianly isn't helping anything!!! (don't think i'm so horrible, he would tell you the same thing) no, we're slowly getting used to seeing each other again - at least for longer than an hour a day...
and brandon and ethan just performed in their sunday school program at church, or should i say ethan cried and brandon got embarrassed... good times and memories for both (ethan also cried when we took him to sit on santa's lap - these are the memories we like him to have of christmas)
enough with the essay i guess - i still can't figure out the pictures... next time maybe