Friday, February 23, 2007
26 hours without power.... it was funny to watch
brandon keep turning on light switches... not so
funny when our thermostat read 5 degrees...
things i learnt from the "blackout":
1) i love electricity
2) back in the day, people must have drank alot
in the evening...
3) i was not crazy to have my checklist for survival
4) i should have checked some stuff off on that
5) one should own a generator
note: thanks to the brown's for taking my poor,
helpless family in for the day... with your sweet heat from the generator going...
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
blonde's have more fun?!?!?!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Double Decker
for instance, yorkshire puddings... otherwise known as popovers... each family has a way of saying things.. mine, not so cool...
i'm not sure exactly how to tell brandon that the kids at school might not know or want to know what 'double decker' is... unfortunately, he already introduced this to one boy at playschool - i guess they went 'double decker' down the slide...
Sunday, February 11, 2007
half time performance - should have been
Monday, February 05, 2007
superbowl disappointments
so, i can tell you who didn't win the superbowl last night... the great steelers... and only because of a brutal start to their season...
but i was very happy to see tony dungee and the colts win... i'm neither here nor there about manning, and it's just annoying that he doesn't even show emotion or seem happy when he get's the ol' monkey off his back and finally wins a superbowl ring!!!... show some emotion!!! but i was happy for them and was wishing it wasn't raining so hard, which i think ruined the game...
anyways, that's all i have to say about it... either than i thought it was one of the most boring superbowl's i've seen, with the exception of the kick return on the first play of the game (which i failed to see anyways as i was still getting food ready)
and what's with PRINCE doing the halftime show... you can't tell me that the average football fan has PRINCE in his music collection!!! brutal... and Canada needs to show some better adds than trucks driving up mountains and turning into snakes...
there, had to be said, now i'll rest from football for awhile... on to MARCH madness soon...