Friday, June 22, 2007

who gets to go first?!?!?!

you might ask - what do these pictures have in common???? well, they are both in my story of last night...

so, i sit to enjoy a burger - and not just any burger - one with fried garlic, onion, mushrooms, and bacon then with melted cheese and a nice slice of tomato on it - on my newly built muskoka chair (which i did build!!!) and along comes my father-in-law with the sprayer... to do the field across from my house...

funny thing is jason and i were discussing and he's going to try to start doing this - telling people when he is spraying near their yard - like, real creepilly just going up and knocking on farm doors to tell them....

so, i'm eating supper, smelling spray in the air (the wind was going the other way)... and thinking, i could go inside, but really, why do i want to be as healthy as ever and jason is around this stuff all the time... kinda would like to exit this here earth at the same time as the ol' hubby... so, i ate my burger and smelled the spray...

the end...

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