Sunday, July 29, 2007

difference between them....

so, before i had ethan, i thought that parenting was the major factor in the actions of a child... i still think it's about 60% or so, but there is definitely room for God-given personality in there...
such as - when given a box of tic-tacs, ethan polished his off in under three minutes and brandon still has his locked in his safe in his room today - five days later ....
ethan has always found it interesting to try to kiss girls - where as that thought would not even cross brandon's mind...
brandon will clean his room, brush his teeth, and tuck himself into bed... where as ethan will wander around saying 'poop' and 'pee -pee' until i walk him through our bedtime routine....
it's also amazing that i love them both equally - i could never dream of wanting their personalities to change at all.... but i do want them both to follow my rules... so they probably will see life very simularly... (is that a word??)
there... that's my thoughts on that...

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