so - last entry it looks like was in 2007... it's now 2009 - so much for this being my diary... alot has happened... and really - i write this for myself... so i can look back and remember and laugh at the stages of life i go through - and then when early alzhiemers sets in it will be like a little story book...
so i had a daughter - her name is sienna rain - i held her for the first month without letting her go... it was a unbelieveable experience going into the hospital that morning - may 22 2008 - and then two hours later ... and a third c-section later... seeing her in jason's arms... you just can't stop looking at her face and trying to figure out whose nose her nose is like...
so at christmas time, we are at my parents house - showing her off... and my grandpa said after studying her fat little legs, "you know the neat thing Catherine, God has a plan for her..." i guess he was a little worried about her fattness...
since i haven't been blogging - there was a new president elected... Barak Obama... on Jan.20, 2009 - it was the inaguration of him... i ask Ethan who the president is and he says, "micheal phelps"... why not...
the same supper - and this is really why we don't usually talk to the kids - brandon asks jason if he likes swimming or running more... jason says swimming and brandon says, "but aren't you too big for that?" nice...
then came st.patrick's day - i usually make a big deal out of that - with asparagus or pea soup and green everything - ethan had drank a blue powerade and had proceeded to go to the bathroom... and calls to me from the bathroom, "well... i had some st.patrick's day poop"... once again, whoever said that you can learn alot from a child maybe never was around a child... i've learnt very little... other than blue powerade makes green poop... not a very useful bit of information...
i've found that having a baby has slowed me down alot... didn't realize how easy life was getting with the boys until sienna came along and everything seems more complicated now... she has her two naps a day that i try to be home for - so my outtings consist of going to the post office/bank... and that's about it... i could keep her up and visit someone, but then she screams and claws at me and i get frustrated and sweaty and i figure i should have just stayed home...
so i haven't figured out quite why anyone thinks having a baby is great... i think they should come out about 2 years old... i'm just hanging on every day, looking for signs of her growing up - so i can feel sane again and like i can go somewhere and not have it be a big deal...
i agree with colin cowherd (i think that's the right spelling) when he says, 'life is 10% what happens to you and 90% your reaction"... some days are better than other's for my reaction... i've also realized that everyone has their own life and their own problems to face and no one really cares about my daily battle to try to find some sort of enjoyment out of motherhood... no one wants to hear your sob story... i know i don't want to hear someone else's sob story constantly... like my brother ryan said, "i don't feel bad for people with kids... they chose to have kids, now deal with it and stop sighing and looking all exhausted" (i might have taken some liberties on his original statement)
so i started running - sometime last november... it wasn't to loose weight - it was to have something that i do and that is 'my' time... and then a friend of mine, jen, asked me to do a 10k and i decided to do it and try to train pretty hard for it... and can't say i enjoyed it, but i did it.. and i enjoyed that it helped me just to enjoy running now... so now i run every other day - ususally 5 or 6 miles - and it's so a part of what i do it's easy now - never thought that was possible... so this november will be a year of running and i've never felt better...
well... better go do some motherly chores such as cleaning out the dishwasher, making bran muffins, having my lemon green tea... and perhaps update my little online diary more than every two years...
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