Thursday, October 13, 2011


pondering happiness alot lately...   i like to be happy... i feel like one should be happy and if you are not happy, you need to make life choices to become happy... and if that doesn't work, pretend to be happy... and if you can't manage that, maybe don't go out in public or update your facebook status...  :)

so here i go... gonna watch oprah's lifeclasses....   i'm sure everything will be fine after that!!!  for sure...

i want to be this happy...  i want Sienna's happiness...  i'm worried when she leaves me and goes to school someday,  there will be no one around to make me happy...

good idea... i should homeschool her... keep her around me... she can live with me forever... great idea...

you know what else makes me happy???  spending money...

you know what else???  buying things...

you know what else???  quality time with my family and friends... and then sneaking off to buy something online...  and then more quality time...

so - there's got to be more to happiness than money and spending it right???  maybe... maybe...  we'll see what oprah has to say...  she doesn't have much money...

i remember watching oprah and gayle's big road trip... and oprah saying she hadn't filled a car up with gas since '83...  and gayle and oprah laughing like normal people say such things...  and then gayle sang and oprah put headphones on and didn't listen... and 4 hours later i was wondering why i wasted 4 hours watching them banter back and forth.... and had no idea where Sienna was...

ok... i will make a list of things that make me happy...

1) mon...  monday's - i actually like the beginning of the week... this is laundry day and i get to watch ellen without feeling guilty...  and ellen makes me happy - take that oprah...

2) winning...  yes - i enjoy my Packer's winning...  when i play crib with my son and beat him every time...  when i predict what is going to happen on Blue Bloods before Jason does...  Tom Selleck makes me happy...

3) clean things... and things put in order...  (this might be an issue for a therapist)

4) funny jokes... especially my own... at which i cannot stop laughing until i've cried, sighed, and forgot where i was or who was driving the vehicle...

5) blue cheese...  not to make other cheeses feel badly cuz i do like them all...   but my heart is with blue...

6) lovemaking...  which the love affair with the blue cheese has recently put on hold...  i don't know why i have to choose!!!!  it's tearing me apart!!!  (i didn't include any pictures for this point)

7) reading... well more the idea of reading more... buying books and such... wandering around McNally and Robinson and having a nap in a chair in there...  and then i found audio books - where someone can read to you while you clean... or lay there...  eating blue cheese... and having no one attracted to you...

8) small children...  and old people...  i don't care much for the middle part of life people... recently - i saw my grandpa... first thing he said to me was - "you've gained weight..."  i love that old people and small children can tell you the truth...  small children don't know any better - until you yell at them and make them cry... then they learn... - and old people are living like it's their last day so they say horribly inappropriate things...

9) dancing...  my daughter and i I would say average a good hour of dancing per day...  to music... choreographed by mostly me... i let her ad-lib a little here and there...

10) my kid's having fun... especially of someone else takes them to the "fun-ness"...  makes me really happy...

i was not with them when they were killing birds... but this picture makes me happy... for them... not the birds...  

i asked Sienna what made her happy...  she said:

titty's  (she can't say her 'c' sound...  i hope)
marni (her imaginary friend)

i'm actually happier with her list than mine...  i should go with her's...  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice! I liked seeing the norwex around the sink... the Palmolive, not so much. Hope you are having fun in NY, but not too much! Coming home with a new tat?